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It Looks Like College Students Might Actually Prefer Paper Books

Sorry, e-books.

Even though technology plays a huge role in young people's lives, NBC reports that 92% of college students would rather read more serious material in a good, old-fashioned book.

Even though technology plays a huge role in young people's lives, NBC reports that 92% of college students would rather read more serious material in a good, old-fashioned book.


According to a study conducted by Naomi Baron, an American University linguistics professor, college students prefer to read paper books over electronics like laptops, tablets, and e-readers.

According to a study conducted by Naomi Baron, an American University linguistics professor, college students prefer to read paper books over electronics like laptops, tablets, and e-readers.

The professor surveyed over 300 students enrolled in college or university from the United States, Germany, Japan, and Slovakia.

Chrisboswell / Getty Images

"There are all kinds of reasons students will give—"I have a sense of accomplishment when I finish a book and I want to see it on the shelf." They care about the smell of a book. In the Slovakian data, when I asked what do you like most about reading in hard copy, one out of ten talked about the smell of books. There really is a physical, tactile, kinesthetic component to reading."

The magic of paper books is truly undeniable.

The magic of paper books is truly undeniable.

Disney / Via

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