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7 Easy Organizing Tricks You'll Actually Want To Try

For every minute spent in organizing…

Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

Spend five minutes throwing out everything in your freezer that's expired or impossible to really identify.

Spend five minutes throwing out everything in your freezer that's expired or impossible to really identify.

"Uh, I think these are chicken breasts?" <--- you, discovering gross old things in your freezer. If you have a few minutes more, you can organize your stuff in bins.

Pick your messiest kitchen cabinet, and use inexpensive plastic bins as faux pull-out drawers.

Pick your messiest kitchen cabinet, and use inexpensive plastic bins as faux pull-out drawers.

This makes it super easy to grab what you need from the back of the cabinet. And if you're feeling extra motivated, you can make labels for each bin. From here.

Pick up a few paint swatches at the hardware store, and pair them with push pins for a cheap and pretty jewelry display.

Pick up a few paint swatches at the hardware store, and pair them with push pins for a cheap and pretty jewelry display.

So freaking easy and basically free if you already have pushpins. From here.

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