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21 Hilarious Tweets That Only HGTV Fans Will Truly Understand

“I feel like HGTV is creating some false expectations for the attractiveness of the contractor you hire for home renovations.”

When House Hunters makes you realize you'll be living in an apartment for a long time:

When House Hunters makes you realize you'll be living in an apartment for a long time:

Twitter: @hotlinexbling

When you pick the right house before anyone else and brag about it for a week:

When you pick the right house before anyone else and brag about it for a week:

Twitter: @bridger_w

When you don't understand many things in life but you understand HGTV:

When you don't understand many things in life but you understand HGTV:

Twitter: @TWill15_7

When someone mentions paint color for the 1,000th time:

When someone mentions paint color for the 1,000th time:

Twitter: @paulaskaggs

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