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What Underrated Book Should All Book-Lovers Read?

Let us in on the secret.

Get this: Each year more than 300,000 books are published in the United States alone.

Get this: Each year more than 300,000 books are published in the United States alone.

That's more than 800 every single day.

But for some reason, we always seem to be talking about and quoting the same ones, whether it's The Great Gatsby or Harry Potter.

But for some reason, we always seem to be talking about and quoting the same ones, whether it's The Great Gatsby or Harry Potter.


Truth is, though, there are TONS of hidden gems out there that could seriously use more hype.

Truth is, though, there are TONS of hidden gems out there that could seriously use more hype.

The CW

Maybe it's Richard Yates' Disturbing the Peace, which chronicles the mental breakdown of an advertising salesman who struggles with addiction.

Maybe it's Richard Yates' Disturbing the Peace, which chronicles the mental breakdown of an advertising salesman who struggles with addiction.

Yates is remembered for writing Revolutionary Road in 1961.


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