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17 Things You Don't Know About Your Metabolism

Calories in, calories out doesn’t even begin to cover it.

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"Improving" your metabolism isn't necessarily as simple as working out more or eating specific foods less.

"Improving" your metabolism isn't necessarily as simple as working out more or eating specific foods less.

"There can be a lot of reasons for why metabolism differs from one person to the next," Dr. Florence Comite, a New York City-based endocrinologist who specializes in precision medicine, tells BuzzFeed Life. "Hormonal indicators, thyroid function, the way the cycle works in women, the way hormones go up and down in men, and how all that interfaces with the way you work out, eat, and sleep."

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You really shouldn't compare yourself to other people.

You really shouldn't compare yourself to other people.

"Metabolism is really specific to each person — people don't recognize that it's about the individual, and you have to know your own genetic makeup to really understand it," Comite says. "I like to reference the fact that I'm an identical twin," she says. "And [my twin and I] put on weight differently, the way we work out affects us differently. And that's true for every human being."

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