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21 Things For Everyone Who's Obsessed With Cat Collecting

<3 Neko Atsume 4 eva <3

Fact: Neko Atsume (free, iOS and Android is *the* most epic cat app ever invented.

Fact: Neko Atsume (free, iOS and Android is *the* most epic cat app ever invented.

The objective? Attract as many cats to your yard as possible by bribing them with sashimi, multi-level cat-partments, and mini cardboard food trucks.

Michelle Rial / BuzzFeed

If Neko Atsume gives you life, treat yo' self to one of these cartoon kitty gifts.

This kitty bento that was probably inspired by the kitty collector cookbook ($28)

This kitty bento that was probably inspired by the kitty collector cookbook ($28) / Via

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