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16 Of The Most Ridiculous Urban Outfitters Home Goods

Should you let these things into your home? Where you sleep?

Bird-Feet Side Table

Bird-Feet Side Table

Chelsea: It's like you want a bedside table but also want to have nightmares.
Joanna: There are a lot of animal feet to choose from.
Chelsea: Give me some puppy feet.
Joanna: That might also be nightmarish but still a step up.
Chelsea: I want all of my furniture to be at risk of walking out of my life.
Joanna: I want all my furniture to be half of an animal, but not the good half.

Mason Jar Shot Glasses

Mason Jar Shot Glasses

Joanna: If you accidentally shrank the band Mumford & Sons down to a tiny size, they would have to drink out of these.
Chelsea: Looks like pee. Someone tinkled in a Mason jar.
Joanna: This product photo does look like pee.
Chelsea: This is when you don't want to leave your room so you pee a lil' pee but want to be quaint about it.

$69 Ladder "Shelf"

$69 Ladder "Shelf"

Joanna: This is reeeeeeally stretching the definition of "shelf."
Chelsea: This is when you have a small apartment and want to waste a liiiiiiittle more space.
Joanna: This is when you enjoy the excitement of things falling off your "shelf."
Chelsea: Yeah, this is just asking for shit to fall during the night and scare you.
Joanna: Here's my ladder where I store three of my things.

$129 Blanket "Storage Ladder"

$129 Blanket "Storage Ladder"

Chelsea: Life hack: Put a blanket on any ladder and it can become a blanket ladder.
I should call the chair I put my coats on the Coat Storage Chair.
Joanna: What happened to the good old days of shoving blankets into a closet?
What happens when you try to store more than one blanket on this? It just looks like a big ghost.
Chelsea: You can show off your blanket collection.
Joanna: I know when people come over to my house, I want them to see the variety of blankets in my collection.
Chelsea: I just want them to know how cozy I can be.
Is there a food ladder I can buy to store all my pasta, fruits, and meats?

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