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10 Classic Books That Could Use A Gritty TV Reboot

They’re doing it for Little Women, so why not these other favorites?

Focused on a young girl named Claire living in a downtrodden neighborhood in rural Texas, Goodnight Moon is a drama in which our heroine must battle both the verbal abuse she suffers at the hands of her parents and the personal struggle to discover her true calling outside of her insular community. Claire's one confidant is an anthropomorphized version of the moon, which only she can see and interact with. As the moon encourages her to say goodbye to the life that has held her back, Claire must make a decision — should she leave behind all she has ever known?

Harper & Brothers

Unlike the film adaptations, the TV version of this classic Roald Dahl novel will take the violence to the next level. Reimagining the tale as a horror anthology, each week's episode will tell the story of a new child invited to visit Willy Wonka's factory only to come face to face with increasingly terrifying sights as they make their way through the tour. Will these candy-loving kiddies be able to survive their day at the factory, or will the horrors within consume them?

The Harold from the beloved children's book is all grown up, and this series follows him through a world of sex, drugs, and the near-constant threat of violence. After accidentally maiming a drug dealer in a transaction gone wrong, Harold must use his trusty purple crayon to flee from the gang chasing after him hoping to get revenge. But how much of Harold's crayon-infused world is real and how much is merely a hallucination stemming from years of drug abuse? Can Harold ever truly feel safe when he can not even be sure that his own mind is trustworthy?

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