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What he will is dig things out of his yard and so send them to the Smithsonian Institute. Scotchman labels his exhibits with scientific names, demand that they're actual anthropology finds.

Anyway... here's the particular response from the Smithsonian establishment.  Bear this videos for cats in mind next time you think that you're challenged in your job to retort to a troublesome state of affairs in writing.

Dear Mr. Williams,

Thank you for your latest submission to the Institute, tagged '93211-D, layer seven, next to the cord post... Hominid os.'  Funny videos of cats to watch - Smithsonian Exhibit

We have given this specimen a careful and elaborate examination, and regret to tell you that we have a tendency to afflict your theory that it represents conclusive proof of the presence of Early Man in Charleston County 2 million years past. Rather, it seems that what you've got found is that the head of a Barbie doll, of the variability that one among our workers, United Nations agency has young children, believes to be 'Malibu Barbie.'

It is evident that you simply have given an excellent deal of thought to the analysis of this specimen, and you'll be quite sure that those folks United Nations agency area unit at home with your previous add the sphere were abominate to come back to contradict your findings. However, we have a videos to watch to do feel that there area unit variety of physical attributes of the specimen which could have tipped you off to its fashionable origin:

1. the fabric is moulded plastic. Ancient hominid remains area unit usually inflexible bone.

The bone capability of the specimen is some nine cubic  centimetres, well below the edge of even the earliest known proto-hominids.

The dentition pattern evident on the os is additional in line with the common domesticated dog than it's with the ravenous man-eating epoch clams you speculate roamed the wetlands throughout that point.

This latter finding is actually one among the foremost intriguing hypotheses you've got submitted in your history with this establishment, however the proof looks to weigh rather heavily against it. while not going into an excessive amount of detail, allow us to say that:

The specimen seems like the pinnacle of a Barbie doll that a dog has chewed on.

 Clams haven't got teeth.

It is with feelings touched with melancholy that we have a tendency to should deny your request to possess the specimen carbon-dated. this is often part owing to the significant load our science laboratory should bear in its traditional operation, and part owing to carbon-datings disreputable quality in fossils of recent earth science record.

To the most effective of our information, no Barbie dolls were made before 1956 AD, and carbon-dating is probably going to supply wildly inaccurate results.

Sadly, we have a tendency to should additionally deny your request that we have a tendency to approach the National Science Foundation evolution Department with the thought of assignment your specimen the scientific name genus Australopithecus spiff-arino. Speaking in person, I, for one, fought doggedly for the acceptance of your planned taxonomy, however was ultimately voted down as a result of the species name you chose was combined, and did not extremely sound find it irresistible may well be Latin.

However, we have a videos of cats to lief settle for your generous donation of this fascinating specimen to the repository. whereas it's without doubt not a Hominid fossil, it is, withal, one more engrossing example of the nice body of labor you appear to accumulate here therefore effortlessly. you must apprehend that our Director has reserved a special shelf in his own workplace for the show of the specimens you've got antecedently submitted to the establishment, and therefore the entire workers speculates daily on what you'll attain next in your digs at the positioning you've got discovered in your Newport back yard.

We thirstily anticipate your trip to our nation's capital that you simply planned in your last letter, and several other folks area unit pressing the videos clips for cats to pay money for it. we have a tendency to area unit significantly curious about hearing you expand on your theories close the trans-positating fillifitation of metal ions in an exceedingly structural matrix that produces the wonderful juvenile theropod thighbone you latterly discovered battle the deceptive look of a rusty 9-mm Sears Craftsman automotive crescent wrench.


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