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16 Tips To Keep Your Pets Safe And Happy This Thanksgiving

Say yes to pumpkin and no to nutmeg!

It's OK for your best bud to have a little nibble of turkey, just make sure it's "boneless and well-cooked."

It's OK for your best bud to have a little nibble of turkey, just make sure it's "boneless and well-cooked ."

Flickr: plasticrevolver

Turkey skin is fatty and difficult for your pet to digest, so it's best to ditch the skin if your pet is snacking on a bit of turkey.

Turkey skin is fatty and difficult for your pet to digest, so it's best to ditch the skin if your pet is snacking on a bit of turkey.

Flickr: allison_dc

Pumpkin actually has a ton of health benefits for your pet, including contributing to their digestive health and preventing obesity.

Pumpkin actually has a ton of health benefits for your pet, including contributing to their digestive health and preventing obesity.

Make sure there isn't any nutmeg in your recipe if your pup has a bite of pumpkin or sweet potato.

Make sure there isn't any nutmeg in your recipe if your pup has a bite of pumpkin or sweet potato.

In small amounts, nutmeg can cause a mild stomachache, but in large amounts it can cause "hallucinations, disorientation, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, dry mouth, abdominal pain, and possibly seizures."

Flickr: deanwissing

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