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19 Things A Nonsmoker Dating A Smoker Knows To Be True

Sometimes we love people despite their habits.

You have to think about what you're going to wear around them because it will have to go straight into the laundry.

You have to think about what you're going to wear around them because it will have to go straight into the laundry.

Never washing your jeans is fine (nobody washes their jeans) but once they smell like smoke, it's all over. #laundryfordays.

E! / Via

Your hair washing schedule gets totally messed up.

Your hair washing schedule gets totally messed up.

Pantene with essence of Camel.

Walt Disney Pictures / Via

You watch in awe as they perform expert tricks with their lighter.

You watch in awe as they perform expert tricks with their lighter.

Yes, I would like you to open my bottle for me!

TVLessonDotCom / Via

You get to know their scent as a mix between their body spray and cigarette smoke.

You get to know their scent as a mix between their body spray and cigarette smoke.

Gucci + smoke = weirdly okay scent.

The CW / Via

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