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23 Ways To Throw Your Kid The Best Star Wars Birthday Party Ever


Now, witness the power of this fully operational party station.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

Use pool noodles and duct tape to create lightsabers.

Use pool noodles and duct tape to create lightsabers. / Via

Make simple no-sew Jedi robes to get kids into character.

Make simple no-sew Jedi robes to get kids into character.

All you need is brown and white craft felt and a pair of scissors. Learn how to make them here.

Michael Simon / Michael Simon/ / Via

And DIY some Princess Leia buns, too.

And DIY some Princess Leia buns, too.

You'll need craft headbands, brown yarn, brown fun foam or cardboard, a hot glue gun, masking tape, and basic braiding skills. Get the instructions here.

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This Massive Hand-Crocheted Playground Is What Dreams Are Made Of


‘Cause DIY not?

A Nova Scotian couple has designed an enormous crochet playground installation that children can climb and play on.

A Nova Scotian couple has designed an enormous crochet playground installation that children can climb and play on.

*jaw drop*

Roberto Boccaccino courtesy of Enel Contemporanea

The installation is called Harmonic Motion and was designed, and completely hand-crocheted, by textile artists Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam and Charles MacAdam.

The installation is called Harmonic Motion and was designed, and completely hand-crocheted, by textile artists Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam and Charles MacAdam.

Roberto Boccaccino courtesy of Enel Contemporanea

And it's absolutely MINDBLOWING.

And it's absolutely MINDBLOWING.

The installation was originally housed at Rome's Museum of Contemporary Art and was dismantled in January of this year and refurbished at the Toledo Museum of Art.


Reminder: The entire installation was crocheted BY HAND.

Reminder: The entire installation was crocheted BY HAND.

Now, that's a lot of yarn!


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Let Aziz Ansari Answer All Your Questions About Romance


Love is in the air.

If you haven't heard, Aziz Ansari, along with sociologist Eric Klinenberg, has written a book.

If you haven't heard, Aziz Ansari, along with sociologist Eric Klinenberg, has written a book.

Jonathan Leibson


Modern Romance explores romance in today's technology-fueled times in Aziz's sharp comedic voice.

Modern Romance explores romance in today's technology-fueled times in Aziz's sharp comedic voice.

Need some love advice? Let Aziz help.

Need some love advice? Let Aziz help.


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What Underrated Book Should All Book-Lovers Read?


Let us in on the secret.

Get this: Each year more than 300,000 books are published in the United States alone.

Get this: Each year more than 300,000 books are published in the United States alone.

That's more than 800 every single day.

But for some reason, we always seem to be talking about and quoting the same ones, whether it's The Great Gatsby or Harry Potter.

But for some reason, we always seem to be talking about and quoting the same ones, whether it's The Great Gatsby or Harry Potter.


Truth is, though, there are TONS of hidden gems out there that could seriously use more hype.

Truth is, though, there are TONS of hidden gems out there that could seriously use more hype.

The CW

Maybe it's Richard Yates' Disturbing the Peace, which chronicles the mental breakdown of an advertising salesman who struggles with addiction.

Maybe it's Richard Yates' Disturbing the Peace, which chronicles the mental breakdown of an advertising salesman who struggles with addiction.

Yates is remembered for writing Revolutionary Road in 1961.


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15 Amazing Adventures You Need To Experience Before You Die


From Lonely Planet’s The Big Trip: Your Ultimate Guide to Gap Years and Overseas Adventures.

Discover a whole spectrum of colors in the corals of Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

Discover a whole spectrum of colors in the corals of Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

You can keep your distance with a glass-bottomed boat, or strap on your snorkel to get up close and personal.

Rich Carey / Lonely Planet ©

Gape at the Limestone Karsts of Halong Bay, Vietnam.

Gape at the Limestone Karsts of Halong Bay, Vietnam.

The clusters of limestone islands loom over crystal blue water, and none look exactly the same.

Matt Munro / Lonely Planet ©

Hike to Iguazú Falls, on the borders of Argentina and Brazil.

Hike to Iguazú Falls, on the borders of Argentina and Brazil.

Look specifically for Garganta del Diablo (aka Devil's Throat) — at 82m high, it is the highest of the falls.

Matt Munro / Lonely Planet

Dive at Ko Phi Phi, Thailand.

Dive at Ko Phi Phi, Thailand.

Scuba divers and snorkelers can check out plenty of coral, or go deeper to explore the sunken King Cruiser.

Catherine Sutherland / Lonely Planet

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26 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Feel Less Stressed In No Time


Welcome to the chill zone.

Michael Blann / Thinkstock / Getty

Use to put your stressful thoughts in a shrinking star and watch them fade, fade, fade away.

Use to put your stressful thoughts in a shrinking star and watch them fade, fade, fade away.

This very cool and relaxing website will lead you on a one-minute guided meditation meant to help you put things in perspective.

Hang out in this restorative yoga pose for a bit.

Hang out in this restorative yoga pose for a bit.

Ahhh yes.

And if you really want to take your ~stress relief~ to optimal levels of relaxation, this is actually the third step in a three-part yoga sequence. Learn all three soothing moves here: The Best Three Yoga Poses For Stress Relief.

Lauren Zaser / Justine Zwiebel / BuzzFeed / Via

Use MyCalmBeat app to slow your breathing and calm your nerves.

Use MyCalmBeat app to slow your breathing and calm your nerves.

This app forces you to focus on your breath, which will help clear your mind and calm you down. Match your ins and outs to the lungs filling and emptying on the screen. In. Out. In. Out. There, doesn't that feel better?

CK / BuzzFeed

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