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19 Life Hacks That Will Make You Feel Like You Have Your Shit Together

Tips and tricks that will make life a whole lot easier.

Sometimes (OK, most of the time) it's hard to make it through a full week without feeling like you're absolutely failing at this whole adulting thing.

But don't stress! We rounded up a bunch of simple tips that will make your everyday life so much easier and productive, so you'll indeed feel like you're getting your shit together.

OK, get started!

Instagram: @marfy5

Set your alarm for 20 minutes earlier and DON'T hit snooze.

Set your alarm for 20 minutes earlier and DON'T hit snooze.

If you're literally always rushing in the morning, just go ahead and accept the fact that your wake-up time is not realistic. So give yourself those extra 20 minutes to play around with every day.

Anna Borges / Via

Schedule mandatory appointments with yourself.

Schedule mandatory appointments with yourself.

Like, in your Google calendar and everything. "Everyone needs some quiet time whether it’s 10 or 15 minutes," Hemphill says. "No structure, just down time." You can use that time to reflect, journal, get a haircut, download new music, or just spend some quality time with yourself.

Warner Bros. / Via

Set realistic money goals that you can actually stick to.

Set realistic money goals that you can actually stick to.

Saving half your paycheck every month probably isn't one of them, so don't even try.

"If you set unrealistic goals based on what you think you should be doing, you're just going to feel disappointed in yourself and overwhelmed when you don't keep up with them." Barbara Hemphill, author of Less Clutter More Life, tells BuzzFeed Life.

A few that would work: paying bills within 24 hours of when they come in, setting up online bill pay, paying at least double your minimum credit card payment each month, etc.

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