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60 Thoughts Every Knitter Has Around The Holidays

Silent night, hole-y night.

Alanna Okun / BuzzFeed

1. Oh man, September already? Better get started on all those presents!
2. Even though it's still 80 degrees out.
3. And people are still running around in bathing suits.
4. And the thought of wool on my bare skin is enough to make me set fire to my yarn stash.
5. No, no, I have to start now.
6. Don't want a repeat of last year.
7. You know, when I tried to make socks for every member of my family, including that second cousin I never see who apparently joined a cult, and got halfway through one cuff the day after Thanksgiving before abandoning the whole thing in disgust?
8. Yeah, no.

Alanna Okun / BuzzFeed

9. But this year will be different.
10. I've already bought all (okay, most) of the yarn I need.
11. And picked out all (okay, most) of the patterns.
12. We're keeping it simple: hats!
13. Hats are so easy, I could make one for the dog!
14. And the mailman!
15. And the goldfish!
16. Okay, rein it in.
17. Cast it on.
18. How did you manage to tangle — it's fine. Just…just start again.
19. Ahh, much better.
20. Only one episode of some trashy TV show in and I've already knitted a few good inches!
21. Five episodes and halfway through!
22. Eight episodes and I forget what outside looks like!!
23. Okay, time for a break. No use wasting the nice weather while it's still here.

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