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26 Ridiculously Easy Life Changes You Can Make Today

Super simple things you can do right now to improve your overall quality of life. Inspired by this Quora thread.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Assume you're good enough. Always.

Assume you're good enough. Always.

Whenever you're in a situation where you're feeling a little vulnerable (like a job interview or a first date) always go into it with the mentality that you're good enough and that the judging party would be lucky to have you. Even if you don't get the job or asked on a second date, it's better to go into the situation with confidence rather than wasting your time worrying about what they will or won't like about you.

NBC / Via

Learn to read nutrition labels.

It's important for your health that you understand what you're putting into your body on a regular basis. And being able to read these is a lot more complicated than just knowing how many calories are in a serving size. Here's a helpful guide from the FDA that can help you figure out what you're looking at here.

Spend more time walking.

Walking at least 30 minutes a day can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers, according to the American Heart Association. Plus it can improve your mood and make you feel like a functioning human. So go for walks — even if it's just for 10 minutes at a time.

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