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31 Things To Do While You're Waiting For A Text Back


Alanna Okun / BuzzFeed

1. Write your name with a really good pen.

1. Write your name with a really good pen.

Alanna Okun / BuzzFeed

2. Text a different friend you haven't spoken to in way too long.
3. Clean your immediate surroundings.
4. Do not look at their Twitter.
5. Do not look at their Instagram.
6. Do not look at their Facebook, not even the photos you've already idly flipped through late at night.
7. Instead, look at pictures of your coworker's new puppy.

8. Reattach a button that's popped off an item of clothing.

8. Reattach a button that's popped off an item of clothing.

Alanna Okun / BuzzFeed

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