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Which Non-Voldemort "Harry Potter" Villain Was The Worst?

Voldemort was definitely the most ambitious, but who other than Voldy inspires the most ire in your heart?

We all know who the lead villain in the Harry Potter series is. But in case you've forgotten, it's this guy:

We all know who the lead villain in the Harry Potter series is. But in case you've forgotten, it's this guy:

Warner Bros.

But there were plenty of others who milled around these books and stirred their share of shit.

But there were plenty of others who milled around these books and stirred their share of shit.

They had different scales, different motives, and some even backed out of their planned villainy in the end. But the array or characters that took part in actively making Harry's life and the wizarding world at large a shitty place is impressive.

Warner Bros.

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