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This Cat Accidentally Turned Himself Turquoise And It's Actually Really Pretty

“What’s everyone staring at?”

So, there has been a green cat walking around the streets of Varna, Bulgaria, this week.

So, there has been a green cat walking around the streets of Varna, Bulgaria, this week.


Many believed that it must've been the work of some awful vandals and started a Facebook page to find them...

Many believed that it must've been the work of some awful vandals and started a Facebook page to find them...


However, it was thought the cat might have turned himself green when he slept in some leftover synthetic green paint and licked himself.

However, it was thought the cat might have turned himself green when he slept in some leftover synthetic green paint and licked himself.


People have been trying to catch this handsome fellow so they can clean him off but so far have been unsuccessful.

People have been trying to catch this handsome fellow so they can clean him off but so far have been unsuccessful.


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