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13 Japanese Horror Manga That Will @#$%&! You Up


These stories aren’t creepy. They’re traumatizing.

A word of warning… most of these books are really unsettling, but also pretty difficult to get a hold of. Only those with strong hearts should google each of these horror manga to read more about them and find translations of the stories online.



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Take The BuzzFeed 5-Day Inbox Detox And Stop Hating Your Email


It’s not about “Inbox Zero,” it’s about “Inbox Chill.”

Alice Mongkonglite / BuzzFeed

Alice Mongkonglite / BuzzFeed

Between your work and your personal life, it's no wonder that your email inbox always seems to be full.

Between your work and your personal life, it's no wonder that your email inbox always seems to be full.

But with our Inbox Detox Challenge, that's all about to change.

It’s not just about getting to “inbox zero,” though. It’s about sending better email in order to receive fewer emails in return. It’s about using your inbox as a way to tackle your to-do list instead of adding to it. It's about changing your daily email habits to make your inbox more manageable in the long run.

In less than a week, we’ll help you refine your relationship with email so you can spend less time in your inbox, and more time in your life. With only five days, five strategies, and a few genius apps, you and your inbox will be totally refreshed and reorganized.

Here's the schedule:

Here's the schedule:

10-15 minutes a day. That's it. Give us 10-15 minutes a day and we'll make your inbox way more sane. The secret is: Focus. Don't get distracted checking other emails or stuff. You'll have plenty of time for that once we've got your inbox organized and ready to go.

Alice Mongkonglite / BuzzFeed

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53 Thoughts I Had While Watching "The Walking Dead" Season 6 Premiere



1. Holy hell that's a lot of walkers.
3. Morgan and his stick are my new favorite thing.
4. This might be the most epic scene we've had in the series thus far. The scale of it is awesome.
5. It's been a while since we've seen black & white on this show! Looks like it's denoting time differences here. Very Breaking Bad season two of them.
6. "You were wrong." Damn right, Gabriel. You also suck. You're the new Lori.
7. Glenn is too nice for the zombie apocalypse.

You're too nice, dude.

Gene Page / AMC

8. "Thank god. Nothing happened to your hair." TARA AWW.
9. "Somebody want to send Noah in here to protect me?" Um.
10. "I don't take chances anymore." That's a nice way of describing what you do, Rick.
12. OK I know they're marked by the Wolves but I always just think of Wario when I see the W zombies.

It's uncanny.

AMC / Nintendo

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17 Ways To Send Emails That People Will Actually Answer


Don’t be a part of the problem.

Alice Mongkonglite / BuzzFeed

Alice Mongkonglite / BuzzFeed

"We don't really think about the "cost" of each email, because there is no dollar amount attached to it, but there is a cost for both the sender and the recipient: time," Alexandra Franzen, a productivity and communication expert, told BuzzFeed Life. "So every email is an opportunity to be exceptionally brief, focused, and respectful."

When someone sends you a pitch or an invitation or anything they might conceivably follow up on if you don't respond, send a polite and quick "No, thank you" email to (hopefully) avoid getting a dozen follow-ups.

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Here's How Batch Tasking Can Change Your Life


Multi-tasking is a thing of the past.

Alice Mongkonglite / BuzzFeed

Alice Mongkonglite / BuzzFeed

Your brain works a lot like you do: it groups similar things together to process them more efficiently.

Your brain works a lot like you do: it groups similar things together to process them more efficiently.

When you multi-task, or go back and forth between lots of different activities, you lose time as you brain shifts between all the different modes.

Instead of doing small tasks as they come up throughout the day, group similar tasks together, set a time limit, and knock them all out at once.

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