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Oxford Dictionary Of English Accused Of Using Sexist Definitions

“Rabid – having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something: a rabid feminist.”

Under the entry for the word "rabid" the example offered for the word's usage was "rabid feminist".

"I was preparing to post a few tweets about how lately I've noticed people getting so attached to their political candidates they aren't thinking about platforms or policy any more and the first word that came to my mind for the zealous, unthinking support of a candidate regardless of their policy, like a sports team, was 'rabid'," Oman-Reagan told BuzzFeed News.

"I thought that was so outdated and strange, like something you might have said 30 years ago, so I shared it."

Oman-Reagan also shared definitions of a few other words where he found that Oxford have questionable examples of their usage.

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