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9 Super Simple DIYs You Need To Try This Month

A roundup of great DIY questions we’ve answered in recent editions of the BuzzFeed DIY newsletter.

Jenny Chang / Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

The sweet trick to getting gum out of your hair:

The sweet trick to getting gum out of your hair:

How do you get gum out of your hair? —Shirley D.

Anyone who has hair and chews gum knows that the two attract like sticky, messy magnets. But with this simple trick, getting it out of your hair will be even easier than blowing bubbles with your gum: All you need is peanut butter! Use your fingers or an old toothbrush to massage the PB all around the gum. After a few minutes, the oil in the peanut butter will make the gum slip right out of the hair. You can also just use regular oil, but the consistency of the peanut butter makes it easier to keep on the spot while you massage it. Then just wash the peanut butter right out!

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed / Thinkstock

Three classy crafts to make with clay:

Three classy crafts to make with clay:

Can you guys make a DIY on polymer clay? —Madison S.

Polymer clay is such a great tool for making cute little sculptures and necklaces, and there are a ton of awesome tutorials on that already floating around the web. So we found a few unusual and expensive-looking uses for polymer clay that are easy and pretty!

1. Make these adorable votive candle-holders.
2. Make these natural-looking napkin rings.
3. Make a cactus plant that will never die!

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed / / /

The easiest way to label a buffet:

The easiest way to label a buffet:

Rachel Wilkerson Miller, Senior Lifestyle Editor at BuzzFeed, wanted an easy way to let everyone at a party know what each dish was, and here's what she came up with:

I'm a big fan of covering my table in kraft paper whenever I host a party: It's appropriate for pretty much all casual parties, allows for easy cleanup, and makes the table look more Instagrammable. At the potato party I hosted last spring, I wrote the names of all the dishes I prepared right on the kraft paper. At the potluck brunch I hosted in May, I took things a step further and wrote the names of the dishes everyone else brought on the kraft paper. This turned out to be quite helpful because 1) people are definitely going to ask what the different dishes are, 2) you can list whether items have meat, dairy, etc., so guests don't have to ask, and 3) you can add who brought the item to give everyone credit for their spread. So if you want to win at summer picnics and parties, grab a roll of kraft paper and a permanent marker.

Jenny Chang / Rachel Wilkerson Miller / BuzzFeed

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