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23 Body-Positive Tips That Aren't Garbage

Because you’re really freaking rad.

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us how they've learned to love their bodies. Here's the awesome advice we got back:

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us how they've learned to love their bodies. Here's the awesome advice we got back:

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed Life

Don't be a shady bitch to yourself. You don't deserve that.

Don't be a shady bitch to yourself. You don't deserve that.

"As soon as you're about to criticize yourself, stop and think, would I say that to a friend? The answer is probably no. You are your own friend, so be kinder to yourself." —lizam28

LOGO / Via

And don't put down anyone else's body either.

"I have a friend who constantly finds the best in other people instead of criticizing or judging them based on appearance. After hanging out with her I found that the more positive I was about other people, especially other women and their bodies, the more positive I allowed myself to be about my own body!" —nicoleh462e0c0ed

When you look in the mirror, point out all the things you like about yourself — even if they seem small.

"Something I did to help me love my body (and I do...I love it a lot) was looking in the mirror every day, and if I started to poke and pull at my flaws, I would pick out twice the amount of things that I loved about myself. Slowly but surely it went from 'I hate the way I look right now' to 'I'm not pleased with the way I look right now, but DAMN I AM FUCKING BEAUTIFUL REGARDLESS.'" —Jasmine Yvonne Stephen (Facebook)

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