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13 Incredibly Useful Tips Everyone With Sex Toys Should Know

Scrub it before you buzz it.

Sex toys are awesome and an excellent addition to your sex life, both solo and with a partner.

Sex toys are awesome and an excellent addition to your sex life, both solo and with a partner.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Not washing your toy, using the wrong lube, or storing it incorrectly can all lead to problems, whether that's a shorter life span or distortion of your toy or a risk of an infection for you. Which, no thanks. BuzzFeed Life talked to Claire Cavanah, co-founder of Babeland and co-author of Moregasm: Babeland's Guide to Mind-Blowing Sex, for her best tips for keeping your sex toys safe, in good shape, and running as long as possible.

A quick note: Many sex toys come with cleaning instructions, so make sure to look out for anything unique to your toy that these tips might not cover.

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