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These Graphic Photos Show How Dangerous Sparklers At Weddings Can Be

Third-degree burns aren’t exactly Pinterest-worthy.

In recent years, "sparkler send-offs" have become a popular alternative to showering couples with rice or birdseed.

In recent years, "sparkler send-offs" have become a popular alternative to showering couples with rice or birdseed.

Brian Mullins

But Raleigh wedding photographer Brian Mullins recently suffered second- and third-degree burns during one couple's grand exit.

But Raleigh wedding photographer Brian Mullins recently suffered second- and third-degree burns during one couple's grand exit.

Brian Mullins

"I had a handful of sparklers when the bride and groom appeared in the doorway," Mullins told BuzzFeed Life.

"I had a handful of sparklers when the bride and groom appeared in the doorway," Mullins told BuzzFeed Life.

"Our practice has always been to grab a few sparklers, get the lines formed, hand out sparklers to anyone who needed them, and then help get them all lit," he said. He was holding about 10 sparklers in his hand when they were lit. He can't remember if he lit them himself or someone else did.

Brian Mullins

"The only things I remember about it was a very hot and bright flash close to my face and a searing pain in my hand," he said.

"The only things I remember about it was a very hot and bright flash close to my face and a searing pain in my hand," he said.

Despite the pain, he was able to keep shooting. "Wedding photographers don't have the luxury of being able to re-stage a missed photo so we get the shot first then apologize, cope, or complain later," he said.

Brian Mullins

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