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25 Ways To Avoid Ever Leaving Your Couch Again

Couch Potatoes “R” Us.

ivanmateev / Getty Images / Thinkstock

You're going to want a drink, but you're not going to want to get up to refill it: here's when having an extra large wine glass comes in handy.

You're going to want a drink, but you're not going to want to get up to refill it: here's when having an extra large wine glass comes in handy.

It holds an entire bottle of wine!

If you're more of a caffeine fiend, get the World's Largest Coffee Cup.

If you're more of a caffeine fiend, get the World's Largest Coffee Cup.

What's worse: lukewarm coffee or having to walk to the kitchen? That's a choice you have to make for yourself.

Purchase your new official uniform.

Purchase your new official uniform.

Proof that couch potatoes aren't always slovenly: they can be cute! Super cute. But they're never seen in the wild, so once you slip into this thing, don't even THINK of venturing out into fresh air. Not allowed.

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