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66 Things My Friend Who Hates "Love Actually" Said When We Watched "Love Actually"

“That’s what you get for writing your [redacted] novel on a [redacted] dock.”

1. "This is my least favorite part of the movie."

"Aude, it's the beginning. Nobody's even said anything yet."

"Just like, all these people HUGGING."

2. "I'm just saying, the last time I watched this I screamed at my laptop. Nbd."

3. "If I have that [redacted] song stuck in my head all night I am going to {redacted] kill myself."

4. ~laughs at lobster line~

5. "God this [REDACTED] music."


7. "Vomiting."

8. "Love is a construct."

9. "All you ACTUALLY need is food, air, and water."

Universal Pictures /

10. "There's no way all those wedding guests are so musically gifted."

11. "I don't know how we are actually supposed to have sympathy for Colin. He's sooooooo #notallmen."

12. ~reemerges during the funeral scene, during which the rest of us are sobbing, wearing a baseball cap and rolled-up sweatpants~ "This is my holiday look."

13. "Imagine your boss saying that to you that's nonsense also hi Snape."

14. "Your boss is not your bestie."

15. "Your employee is not your bestie."

16. "Omg stfu."

17. "Omg so mad."

18. "Omg."

19. "Oh god."

20. "Panicking."

21. "I'm sorry, did her BOSS just tell her to have sex with a COWORKER?"

22. "This movie is filled with reprehensible people."

Universal Pictures /

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