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9 Adorable Water Bear Things You Didn't Even Know You Wanted


For those who need a tiny reminder to be resilient.

If you've never seen a tardigrade before, you are in for a treat.

If you've never seen a tardigrade before, you are in for a treat.

Tardigrades have cute nicknames like water bears and moss piglets, but they look like tiny faceless manatees. The microscopic critters dwell in moss and lichen and can be found almost everywhere on Earth.

Here are some human-sized goodies for the water bear lover in your life:

Fox / Via



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How To Not Go Broke As A Wedding Guest


Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blew up my bank account.

Jenny Chang / Via BuzzFeed Life

Jenny Chang / Via BuzzFeed Life

Shop the registry gifts elsewhere.

Shop the registry gifts elsewhere.

For example, this 12-piece knife set costs $262 at Bloomingdale's but $99 on Why would you not save $163?

If you find identical registry items at discount retailers, just call the store where the couple is registered to have them remove the item from the registry.

Augusta Falletta / Via BuzzFeed

Or find out where they're registered and sign up for the store's mailing list.

That way you'll be the first to know when the store is having a sale and you can buy the present at a discounted price.

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29 Cheap And Easy DIYs That Will Help Parents Survive The Summer


These months can seem like forever if you’re not prepared.

Jenny Chang/BuzzFeed

Turn a regular beach towel into a poolside poncho.

Turn a regular beach towel into a poolside poncho.

This makes drying your kids off after a swim a snap. Find the DIY here.

Set up an epic slip 'n slide in the backyard.

Set up an epic slip 'n slide in the backyard.

Learn how to become your neighborhood's favorite parent here.

DIY a mason jar into "fairy lights."

DIY a mason jar into "fairy lights."

Your kid's summer nights will be unforgettable. Learn how to make them here.

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23 Gadgets That Will Help You Get Your Act Together


Just get a tattoo of your to-do list. No, seriously.

Keep your reminders right on your wrist with these unique Post-Its.

Keep your reminders right on your wrist with these unique Post-Its.

Perfect for remembering appointment times! Get 'em here.

Or use this fluorescent note tape that you just can't miss.

Or use this fluorescent note tape that you just can't miss.

Tape to face before bed, if need be. Get em here.

Get a (temporary) tattoo of your to-do list.

Get a (temporary) tattoo of your to-do list.

The To-Do Tattoo is here to help.

If you're constantly pouring yourself a cuppa and promptly forgetting it, this is for you.

If you're constantly pouring yourself a cuppa and promptly forgetting it, this is for you.

The Hot Cookie USB Cup Warmer uses your laptop's head to keep that coffee piping hot.

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29 Brilliant Ways To Organize Your Laundry Room


Dirty clothes beware.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Hang up a change jar to collect all the spare coins you find in your pockets.

Hang up a change jar to collect all the spare coins you find in your pockets.

This one is $34 here, or you learn how to make one yourself here.

Or, enlist a piggy bank to help turn that spare change into savings.

Or, enlist a piggy bank to help turn that spare change into savings.

From here. Get a similar one here for $14.99. / Via

Turn an outdoor box into a mini trash can for lint.

Turn an outdoor box into a mini trash can for lint.

Also great if you're a frequent camper or BBQ-er, because lint makes a great fire starter. See how to make your own lint catcher here.

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15 Brilliant Hiking Hacks You Wish You Knew About Sooner


Upgrade your outdoors skills.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

Even if you're going on a short hike, bring the essentials.

Even if you're going on a short hike, bring the essentials.

Things to tick off of your checklist: a map, extra layers of clothing, sunscreen, matches, a flashlight, a multitool, snacks, and extra water.

REI / Via

Line your backpack with a garbage bag for extra rain protection.

Line your backpack with a garbage bag for extra rain protection.

If it doesn't rain, you'll have an extra bag for trash.

Look into getting a hoodie that takes pockets seriously and forget bringing a backpack.

Look into getting a hoodie that takes pockets seriously and forget bringing a backpack.

This SCOTTeVEST cotton hoodie ($75) isn't cheap, but it does feature 10 interior and exterior pockets that basically turns you into a lightweight caravan for everything you'll need during a day hike.

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Atticus Finch Is A Racist In "To Kill A Mockingbird" Sequel


The beloved lawyer from To Kill A Mockingbird is depicted as a cantankerous old bigot in Harper Lee’s new novel, Go Set a Watchman.

Actors Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch and Brock Peters as Tom Robinson in the film To Kill a Mockingbird.

Silver Screen Collection / Getty Images

Harper Lee's Pulitzer-winning 1960 novel focuses on 6-year-old Scout Finch, Atticus' daughter, and tells the story of a trial for Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. Atticus is Robinson's attorney and is portrayed as a moral and decent man who believes in justice.

Atticus' moral rectitude was further cemented by Gregory Peck's iconic 1962 performance in the film adaptation of the book.

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