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Here's What To Read While You Wait For The Next "Game Of Thrones"


Need more fantasy series? We got you, boo.

Kaye Toal / Via BuzzFeed

Bantam Spectra

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33 Essentials Every Carnivore Absolutely Needs


If you’re not pulling pork with meat claws, you’re not doing it right.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

Bear Claw Meat Shredders

Bear Claw Meat Shredders

Unleash the beast within. Get 'em here.

Corn Dog Maker

Corn Dog Maker

Classic fair food at home? Win.

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29 Ways To Cover Up For People Who Suck At Reapplying Sunscreen


UV rays out, style in — all for under $40.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed Life

If you love the sun and hate the shade, clothes can keep your skin from getting burnt AF.

If you love the sun and hate the shade, clothes can keep your skin from getting burnt AF.

They can block and absorb harmful UV radiation, which causes the majority of the 3.7 million skin cancers diagnosed in the U.S. each year, plus up to 90% of visible aging, according to

BuzzFeed Life reached out to two experts certified by the Board of American Dermatology, Dr. Rachel Herschenfeld, of Dermatology Partners, Inc. in Wellesley, Massachusetts, and Dr. Lisa Garner, who runs her own practice in Garland, Texas.

Here's how they suggest covering up so you don't get deep fried out there this summer:

Bravo / Via

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed Life

Covering up won't actually make you SO MUCH HOTTER.

Covering up won't actually make you SO MUCH HOTTER.

"One major myth is that you can't have sun protection from clothing and feel as cool as you would without covering up," says Garner. "In addition to blocking the UV rays, clothing also can block some of the infrared rays that make the skin feel hot." So even though your maxi seems like it's keeping all of the heat in, it's actually doing a pretty good job of keeping the rays out and your skin cool.

Disney / Via

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13 Incredibly Smart Tips To Be Happier From Mental Health Experts


Genius tips from people whose job it is to make you feel better.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

It's pretty safe to assume that you want to be happy, because...well, who doesn't? But how to actually make that happen is a little more elusive. BuzzFeed Life talked to a bunch of experts to get their best tips.

Of course, everyone brings their own set of experiences to the table and some people might be living with mental illnesses like depression or anxiety that make things more complicated. But hopefully you might be able to find a few pieces of advice here that can help life feel a little easier.

Heads up: Responses were edited for length.

Realize that happiness doesn't mean having everything you want and being problem-free all the time.

Realize that happiness doesn't mean having everything you want and being problem-free all the time.

"We cannot control everything that happens to us in life, but we can choose how we respond. When we respond with an attitude of 'Why is the happening to me?' and adopt a victim mentality, we suffer. When we choose to respond with an attitude of 'Why is this happening for me and what can I learn?' then we feel a lot more empowered which impacts our mental state positively.

The biggest misconception about happiness is that we can outsource it — that something external is going to make us happy. Happiness is NOT a constant state. As humans we experience and grow through a variety of emotions. The expectation that we should be happy all the time will leave anyone with an expectation hangover. What we can be is grateful."

Christine Hassler, empowerment coach and author of Expectation Hangover: Overcoming Disappointment in Work, Love, and Life

ABC / Via

Cut "should" from your vocabulary, because it basically guarantees whatever you think "should" happen, won't.

"When we use the word 'should,' it's like this big, judgmental finger wagging at yourself. 'I should work out more, I should be happier, I should be more grateful.' It causes us to feel guilt and shame. It depletes our happiness. It causes us to engage in behavior that are completely against what we want.

Instead, replace 'should' with 'I would like.' For example, 'I'd like to lose weight, because I want to have more energy and be a role model.' That is more motivational, it's more based on passion rather than the fear and judgment of ourselves that prevents us from being the people that we want to be."

Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and author of Better than Perfect: 7 Strategies to Crush Your Inner Critic and Create a Life You Love

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How Much Money Could You Save?


Let us help you and your finances.

Jenny Chang/ BuzzFeed

16 Tips For Gaining Muscle And Getting Stronger


Whey protein and biceps curls not required.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

So you want to get swole.

Or maybe just a bit more muscly.

Or maybe just a bit more muscly.

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Spice Up Your Sneakers


Snazz up your sneaks / Via BuzzFeed Video