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19 Things You'll Definitely Want For The Lake This Summer


Life is better at the lake.

A Boat Hair Don't Care tank for the long days spent on the boat.

A Boat Hair Don't Care tank for the long days spent on the boat.


A side-by-side floating hammock for you and your favorite person.

A side-by-side floating hammock for you and your favorite person.


A "lake bum" tank, so everyone knows who you really are.

A "lake bum" tank, so everyone knows who you really are.


This relaxation station, which is ideal for a relaxing day on the lake.

This relaxation station, which is ideal for a relaxing day on the lake.


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25 Things You Do Every Day That Are Secretly Very Brave


Life doesn’t get easier. You just get stronger.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

When you voice your opinion on something you really care about.

When you voice your opinion on something you really care about.

NBC / Via

When you let yourself feel how you feel, instead of holding it all in.

When you let yourself feel how you feel, instead of holding it all in.

Feeling emotions doesn't make you weak, it makes you human.

FOX / Via

When you ask someone for help, even though your ego is begging you not to.

When you ask someone for help, even though your ego is begging you not to.

It takes a lot of bravery to admit to your limitations and ask for help when you need it.

Universal Pictures / Via

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27 Things That Can Really Help You While You're Grieving


There’s no right way, but these suggestions may help you find your way.

Alice Mongkongllite/BuzzFeed / Via Thinkstock

Attend a dinner put on by The Dinner Party.

"I go to these dinners put on by The Dinner Party. (Check them out! They're opening tables in tons of major cities.) When that's not an option, I find it best just to roll with the emotions. Feeling them through and experiencing rather than running from them helps. Most recently that has been talking to my best friend and having a good cry." —kylem48d466ed6

Set aside about 15 minutes each day to be by yourself in a quiet place to give yourself space to grieve.

"I am a therapist who works with many people who are grieving. One idea that I learned that works for some people is to set aside a time every day — say, 15 minutes — and be by yourself in a quiet place. Decide to concentrate on thinking of the person who died, or let yourself cry or just give yourself permission to give yourself over to the grief. This does not mean that all of your grieving takes place during that short time every day; however, it does help to create a time and sacred place to be alone with your grief." —maudebasset

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How To Survive A First Date According To Chuck Palahniuk


“I will have sex with a stranger but I will not split food.”

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

1. Do you pick the place, or let them take the lead?

1. Do you pick the place, or let them take the lead?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

2. Do you show up early, on time, or a few minutes late?

2. Do you show up early, on time, or a few minutes late?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

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