They’ll appreciate the thought.
1. Get home at a responsible hour so no one worries about you.
2. Eat three square meals a day, for at least a week. Being regular is important.
3. Don't take that last shot of tequila for once. Everyone will thank you for it.
4. Bring an extra sweater with you everywhere you go.
5. Bake THEM cookies for a change. (Bonus points if they're not from a tube, but any effort will be appreciated.)
6. Not call to complain about the total Zero you're having dating problems with. Also, maybe stop dating that loser.
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7. Only text at reasonable hours of the day.
8. Wear comfortable shoes for once. Blisters aren't fun for anyone.
9. Set a personal budget and actually stick to it. Really. That way you don't have to borrow five dollars for coffee.
10. Get into work at least a little early every day for a week.
11. Only have one cup of coffee each day, so your bodily functions don't just collapse.
12. Not stalk your ex on social media. NO MATTER WHAT.
13. Refrain from checking WebMD too often.
14. Send them some nice flowers.
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